42.8 F
Los Gatos


February 18, 2025

American Cancer Society benefit, Mesa-Yakushev Duo, Outrun Lupus all upcoming (Calendar)

Calendar with flowers
Community calendar from the pages of the Sept. 21, 2022 edition of the Los Gatan newspaper. Discovery Shop anniversary Discovery Shop Los Gatos, 39 E. Main St., will celebrate its 57th year with a storewide sale on Sept. 24. Benefiting the American Cancer Society, the shop...

Local Scene: Reimagining senior services; Covid testing site on Dec. 23

live oak senior nutrition and service center
​​Los Gatos aims to reimagine senior services The Town of Los Gatos has put together a committee for Senior Services that has one task: enrich the lives of the senior citizen population by “Re-Imagining Senior Services in Los Gatos.”  The committee is made up of representatives...

Dinah’s Event Log: Cool fall weather is here

Bundle up; take a walk; enjoy the cool fall weather; head to the heated library; or perhaps our cozy movie theater…Mayor Mary Badame will cut the Chamber of Commerce welcome ribbon for CǠRNICO Tools & Provisions, at 501 N. Santa Cruz Ave., #1, on...

American Heart Association Circle of Red members work together

Circle of Red
Silicon Valley Circle of Red members gathered on Sept. 14 at the home of Lisa Matar in Monte Sereno. The members stood together in support of Go Red for Women, the American Heart Association’s signature women’s initiative to increase women’s heart health awareness. "Making a commitment...

New York Times bestselling author Bonnie Garmus to appear at Los Gatos Library (calendar)

digital calendar
From a "Chemistry" writer, to a dazzling holiday display to an art exhibit, there's plenty on tap in this week's calendar... Online author talk The Los Gatos Library will host an online author talk with Bonnie Garmus on Nov. 10 at 11am. Garmus will discuss her...

Dinah’s Event Log: Holiday time is upon us

real estate ladies
We live in a unique and beautiful area, with some really wonderful people. Be sure—during the holidays—to take time to count your blessings. Here are some community updates and fun things to do… PEDRO’S IS BACK, and you will not believe the transformation. Dress up, get out...

Eclectic electronic event incoming at home of the historic Cats Saloon

DJ Dathma and fellow DJ
*Updated Sept. 6, 2022 Daniel Reyes, the founder of Project Gasmask Entertainment (PGM), says he’s excited to be part of a Los Gatos rebirth. Though he lives in Oakland, and grew up in the Fairfield-Suisun area, the promoter says he’s pretty familiar with the community from...

​​Town holiday tree marks centennial year

Deodora tree
This year will mark the 100th year that the Christmas tree has stood in the Plaza on the corner of West Main Street and Santa Cruz Avenue in Los Gatos. As is customary, the tree will be lit on the first Friday of December,...

Sempervirens Fund buys Castle Rock Hollow; Merit Scholarship semifinalists revealed; LGHS senior wins film contest (local scene)

Castle Rock
Sempervirens Fund recently announced its purchase of Castle Rock Hollow to preserve the 51-acre property, which shares a boundary with Sempervirens Fund’s former Castle Rock West property that was recently added to Castle Rock State Park in Los Gatos. The Castle Rock Hollow property, acquired...

Cover ground with ground cover

Within the outdoor rooms of home gardens, shade trees are ceilings, shrubs and hedges are walls, and turf and ground cover plants are floors. That is why the selection of plants for such purposes is as important as the selection of paint and carpet...

