Letter to the Editor: Sue Walsh is one of Los Gatos’ special residents
You will find that Sue Walsh approaches her projects and the people she provides for with extra care. She gets to know people by learning what they care about, then attends to their interests and needs. She works toward a greater good. We all...
Letter to the Editor: A plea to disrespectful dog owners
Hello, fellow Los Gatos residents and visitors,
We have a wonderful town.
But dog owners who do not pick up their dog’s droppings (poop), please do not leave it on our sidewalks.
Unhealthy, unkind, just wrong.
So many of you do pick up after their pets...
Lung cancer can attack without a cigarette in sight
I walked out of a chemistry lab my freshman year of college, excited to call my family and update them on my newfound independence. What greeted me on the other line was not
exciting news, however, it was news that crushed my soul.
“Kaitlyn,” my grandmother...
Guest View: Dissolving the SOS in Los Gatos
The acronym “SOS” stands for save our ship. It can also stand for sorting, othering, and siloing, which is how the acronym is used in “I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times,” written by...
Guest View: Many unanswered questions surrounding artificial turf
There are drought-tolerant, warm season turf grasses that are tougher, require less water/maintenance/fertilizer and, if maintained properly, will equal or exceed artificial grass in quality, safety and perhaps usability. Natural grass fields also have many other health and environmental benefits such as providing oxygen,...
Support senior housing in Los Gatos
On April 5, the Los Gatos Town Council will consider whether to approve the Los Gatos Meadows rebuild, which would bring 174 units of senior housing online. As a 24-year Town resident who lives near the site, I believe that the project is essential...
Guest View: Town should explore other ways to boost revenue
It strikes me that the major reason for allowing cannabis dispensaries in Los Gatos would be to generate more revenue. Assuming for argument’s sake that this is correct, there are options for generating revenue other than from allowing cannabis dispensaries in town. I often...
Guest View: Protecting the newts of Alma Bridge Road
A week before the 2022 New Year, I received a text from a friend expressing his dismay at the great number of dead newts he saw on Alma Bridge Road while he was biking. This was right after one of the December winter storms....
Guest View: How to teach kids about fiery realities
Parents want to shield their children from the dangers of the world—but fire is one thing they can’t sweep under the rug. Especially now, as our communities begin to realize fire season no longer has a beginning or end; it is a constant where...
Letter: State shouldn’t profit on grieving children
A family member dying and passing the family home onto their child or grandchild should not be a taxable event. Prop. 19 allows property to be reassessed to market value when it passes from parents to children, resulting in a massive property tax increase...