60.5 F
Los Gatos


October 18, 2024

Cawing crows and community service

American crow
The loud and obnoxious squawking of crows used to bother me. I am generally a quiet person who likes to grab a book, find an empty noise-free area to sit at and read for hours at a time. I still cherish times when my...

Guest View: Campus diversity should extend to choices in careers

Next to picking a college, picking a college major can be the most important and nerve-wracking decision facing a young person. Unfortunately, students often fail to recognize that a good education is about more than just the degree; it’s about exploring multiple disciplines, ​finding...

Coming to terms in Los Gatos

guest view article
Los Gatos is not Washington, D.C. where the level of partisanship is extremely high. Nor is it Palo Alto, where I lived for more than 40 years prior to moving to Los Gatos in November 2019, and where I observed the divisiveness our community...

Guest View: Community-based mediation is needed in Los Gatos

Jeffrey Blum
Perhaps I’ve read too many articles and listened to too many podcasts decrying the level of vitriol and partisanship existing in Washington D.C. and in many communities throughout the country. Add to this sorry situation the scenes of conflict I’ve seen on television and...

Blum: The grand task of nurturing our future

stress stock image
During the past several years, the Community Health and Senior Services Commission has made significant strides in helping to improve senior services in Los Gatos.  Although our focus on senior services is essential, I believe we must also attend to our community’s mental health. Given...

Letter to the Editor: Sue Walsh is one of Los Gatos’ special residents

You will find that Sue Walsh approaches her projects and the people she provides for with extra care. She gets to know people by learning what they care about, then attends to their interests and needs. She works toward a greater good. We all...

Op-Ed: Town must seek proof before recognizing ‘Original Inhabitants’

Charlene and quote
In a recent Los Gatan article, titled “Town’s effort to acknowledge earliest residents fraught with challenges,” journalist Drew Penner was attempting to shed light on the efforts of the Town of Los Gatos to acknowledge its less-than-inclusive telling of its own history. But the...

The paradox of progress

News cycles spin with relentless negativity, bombarding us with stories of conflict, division and environmental woes. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the volume of problems the world faces. Sometimes, the most tempting response is to bury our heads in the sand, hoping the...

Blum: Student absences have exploded

Jeffrey Blum
The familiar hum of a well-oiled machine is a comforting sound. It suggests efficiency, precision, and a harmonious system. This is an analogy I provided to Town Council at a council meeting on Aug. 6, as I, along with Chair Eleanor Yick, presented the...

Guest View: How to teach kids about fiery realities

wildfire burns at night
Parents want to shield their children from the dangers of the world—but fire is one thing they can’t sweep under the rug. Especially now, as our communities begin to realize fire season no longer has a beginning or end; it is a constant where...

