86.3 F
Los Gatos


September 7, 2024

Let’s create community by patronizing our fabulous Los Gatos Theatre

According to Merriam-Webster, a “community” is a unified body of individuals with common interests living in a particular area. My mother taught me as a kid that community was everything—and that you volunteered to make it better. Bill Weaver, my boss at KLOK-AM, my first...

Guest View: Prioritizing children over plastic

What were your favorite school memories as a child? Mine included counting roly-polies in the grass at recess, having mud-sliding contests after school, and picking wildflowers with my friends. Some of my least favorite memories were having to play soccer on plastic turf on...

Guest View: Community-based mediation is needed in Los Gatos

Jeffrey Blum
Perhaps I’ve read too many articles and listened to too many podcasts decrying the level of vitriol and partisanship existing in Washington D.C. and in many communities throughout the country. Add to this sorry situation the scenes of conflict I’ve seen on television and...

Support senior housing in Los Gatos

On April 5, the Los Gatos Town Council will consider whether to approve the Los Gatos Meadows rebuild, which would bring 174 units of senior housing online. As a 24-year Town resident who lives near the site, I believe that the project is essential...

Help us craft a community center that rocks

Jeffrey Blum
Ever feel like Los Gatos is missing a certain...spark? Do you observe, as I and many others have, that our town revolves around adorable boutiques, great restaurants, and cozy coffee houses but lacks a central hub for community gatherings and connections? Fret no more....

GUEST VIEW: Local news keeps community humming

squirrel reading a newspaper
As a family law litigator who was terrified by the prospect of having to go to court, but who nevertheless did so for 40-plus years, I developed a game plan involving writing my arguments in detail prior to the court hearing or trial. I...

The worry wart surfaces

Jeffrey Blum
Most conscientious attorneys are worry warts/party poopers. We’re paid to consider all potential scenarios. Thus, it came as no shock to me that I reacted first with pleasant surprise and then with concern when I heard that the State of California had awarded LGS...

Guest View: Many unanswered questions surrounding artificial turf

There are drought-tolerant, warm season turf grasses that are tougher, require less water/maintenance/fertilizer and, if maintained properly, will equal or exceed artificial grass in quality, safety and perhaps usability. Natural grass fields also have many other health and environmental benefits such as providing oxygen,...

‘Fugitive Dreams’ and forgotten realities

Jeffrey Blum
I’m not a movie reviewer. In fact, I wasn’t even much of a movie watcher, until the pandemic hit, which pretty much coincided with my semi-retirement (more like 90% retirement) from working as a family law attorney. Since then, I’ve watched hundreds of movies....

Making the seniors road map work

senior reads map
Around spring 1970, I took my first cross country road trip with my college friend, Cliff, who later became a doctor and then the surgeon general of New Jersey. We began our journey at our college, Rutgers University. We sang Bob Dylan songs and...

