58.4 F
Los Gatos


March 31, 2025

Lessons I’ve learned from ‘How Big Things Get Done’

book cover
I did not inherit my father’s handyperson skills, although I remember observing him install central air conditioning and successfully accomplishing other large projects at our house in Kings Point, New York. Perhaps seeing a booklet lying around his workroom describing how to build a...

Navigating the social landscape

Ben Franklin balloon
Have you ever wondered how prominent figures like Benjamin Franklin achieved remarkable success? One key factor in his rise as a writer, publisher and politician was his mastery of “social intelligence.” What follows is my analysis of how Franklin’s lessons might apply to our...

Pop Pop’s optimistic outlook for 2025

wine glasses
As my grandkids call me, “Pop Pop,” I find myself navigating the inevitable march of time. While recent health challenges, like hernia surgery and a persistent snoring problem (these are but a few of the conditions I am having to address), have forced me...

A Fortunate Life: Reflections on gratitude and growth this Thanksgiving

beach photos
As Thanksgiving arrives, I reflect on the many things I am thankful for. I’ve managed to survive to age 73. Along the way, I’ve had many fortunate things occur. Of course, there have been horrible times too, such as when my father was killed in...

What I didn’t know before I opened a bookstore

business owner photo
My North Santa Cruz Avenue business, Beyond Text Bookstore, has now been open for over six months. That’s six months the place has been filled with real people—not just my dreams and hopes. Upon reflection, I wanted to share a little about what I didn’t know...

The secret life of caregivers

November is Family Caregiver Month, a time to shine a light on the unsung heroes among us—those incredible individuals who dedicate their lives to caring for their loved ones. In Santa Clara County, the theme “Yes, I am a caregiver” captures the often-hidden work...

Young podcaster quizzed candidates with help of LG resident

podcaster at the mic
The 2024 presidential election is one to remember, but Santa Clara County residents also faced a rare local decision: choosing a successor to longtime 16th Congressional District Representative Anna Eshoo, a Democrat who held her seat for over three decades. This election was special to...

Blum: Here’s my whimsical plea for civic engagement

In our quaint town of Los Gatos, nestled amidst rolling hills and serene landscapes, reside dedicated public servants whose hearts beat in rhythm with the pulse of the community. These individuals tirelessly serve on the Community Health and Senior Services Commission (CHSSC), their passion...

Hosting an au pair has been a game-changer for our family

In Central America
When my husband and I moved from Germany to the United States in 2017, our oldest daughter was three and I was expecting the second of our three children. It was a time of major transitions, and it was important to me that they...

Cawing crows and community service

American crow
The loud and obnoxious squawking of crows used to bother me. I am generally a quiet person who likes to grab a book, find an empty noise-free area to sit at and read for hours at a time. I still cherish times when my...

