86.3 F
Los Gatos


September 7, 2024

The chanterelle just got enshrined in California law (+ other bills that made it over the finish line)

Every year, California’s legislators send a flurry of bills to the governor in hopes he or she will sign them. And that’s before the byzantine legislative process that leaves most proposed laws on Assembly and Senate curtting floors. In 2023, the lawmakers sent off 1,046...

Los Gatos approves $60,000 for homeless services

unhoused efforts speech
Los Gatos Council last night approved $60,000 for homeless services next year—$10,000 more than staff had requested—citing the effectiveness of the pilot year’s efforts. The elected officials and public commenters lauded the roll-out by Town Manager Laurel Prevetti and Assistant Town Manager Katy Nomura, while...

Los Gatos adopts compliant Housing Element

Los Gatos Council
As Los Gatos prepared to finally adopt a compliant Housing Element—after 20 residential proposals were submitted during the purgatory period when the Silicon Valley community was out of line with State law, including a live one that includes a 12-story building—questions swirled about who...

County healthcare patients to receive refunds

medical billing
About 43,000 former patients of Santa Clara Valley Healthcare (SCVH) will soon receive notice of possible billing corrections and refunds as part of a settlement between Santa Clara County and some past patients of the public hospital system. The county said in a news release...

License plate stolen; woman found lying naked in the middle of the road; bottle of cologne taken (Police Blotter, Dec. 17-23)

Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police shoulder patch
A man was arrested for being a minor in possession of alcohol, another for driving with a suspended license, and another for possessing a controlled substance, among other incidents, in the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno region during the Dec. 17-23 period.

How will public transit agencies spend $5 billion?

transit names
In June, the Legislature and governor agreed to a $5 billion lifeline in the budget as transit agencies' ridership slowly recovered from the Covid shutdowns. You might also recall that the deal took some convincing due to the state's overall budget deficit, and reports...

Testarossa announces ‘wine country cuisine’ expansion

The signs are up in the parking lot, and now the minds behind one of Los Gatos’ most prominent vintners, Testarossa Winery, have announced they’re opening a new dining space: Bistro 107. Testarossa has long been a popular events venue. For many years, a myriad...

Newsom signs election-reform bills written by Pellerin

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed a slew of elections-related bills into law that will allow disabled voters to vote curbside, permit mail-in ballots to be processed like in-person votes and treat double-voting as a misdemeanor, among other changes.  Five of the bills were authored by...

Scammers dupe PG&E customers

Electrical towers and lines
The power company is raising the alarm about a seemingly ever-present danger that has nothing to do with arcing, downed wires or electricity surges, but sparked nearly seven-dozen reports in Los Gatos last year. Pacific Gas & Electric, Co. says it counted 43,000 customers being...

Local ISP bringing fiber optic service to Santa Cruz Mountains

One of the first dial-up internet providers has announced it’s now bringing fiber optic internet to remote areas of the Santa Cruz Mountains. In the wake of a $10 million infusion from the State of California, Surfnet Communications is rolling out its plan to expand...

