Calendar: Here’s what on tap for the week ahead—and beyond…
NUMU artist talk
New Museum Los Gatos, 106 East Main St., will host an artist talk with Marie Cameron on June 30 from 5-8pm. Cameron will discuss her exhibit, “Critical Masses, A Very Low Tide.” Cameron will share insight into the themes of overconsumption and sustainability and how these themes influence her art practice. The artist talk will be followed by light refreshments with time to mingle in the gallery. For information and tickets, visit numulosgatos.org/events/artist-talk-with-marie-cameron.
Symphony in the Park
The Town of Los Gatos’ annual Fourth of July event returns at Oak Meadow Park, 233 Blossom Hill Road, from 11am to 4pm. The event features a flag raising ceremony, a performance by San Jose Wind Symphony, food trucks, lawn games and more. For information, visit losgatosca.gov/339/4th-of-July-Symphony-in-the-Park.
Independence Day Celebration
Saratoga’s Independence Day Celebration takes place July 4 from 9:30-11am at Kevin Moran Park, 12415 Scully Ave. The event features a free concert of patriotic tunes performed by the McCartysville Volunteer Band. For information, visit facebook.com/events/538359231301585.
Live jazz music
Live jazz performances at the Tasting House, 368 Village Lane, take place Fridays and Saturdays from 6-9pm, and Sundays from 11am-2pm.
Entertainment at Gardino’s
Gardino’s, 51 N. Santa Cruz Ave., features entertainment four days a week. June 30: John Michael Band. July 1: Jet Star Casualties. July 2: Serious Condition
The Promenade
Thursday evenings through Aug. 4 (except for June 30), N. Santa Cruz Avenue will be closed for live music, dining and shopping for the return of The Promenade. July 7: Kurt & Johnny, Daze on the Green. July 14: Cabana Boys, The Complications. July 21: Rusty Rock N’ Roll, Mike Drew Band. July 28: Lavender Fields, FLO. Aug. 4: Alex Luceros, Given to Fly.
Los Gatos Youth Theatre
Los Gatos Youth Theatre is currently in the midst of its summer season. “Sound of Music – Youth Edition” runs July 14-17 and “Disney Freaky Friday – A New Musical” from July 21-24. For information, visit lgyt.net.
Los Gatos Farmers Market
The Los Gatos Certified Farmers’ Market offers seasonal fruits and vegetables from Santa Clara County year-round. More than 40 local farmers and food producers sell their wares Sundays from 9am to 1pm at Town Park Plaza on Main Street and N. Santa Cruz Avenue. For information, visit cafarmersmkts.com/losgatos-farmers-market.
Campbell Farmers Market
The Downtown Campbell Farmers Market is held Sundays, rain or shine, from 9am to 1pm. For information, visit uvfm.org/campbell-sundays.
The Kiwanis Club of Los Gatos
The club meets the first three Thursdays of the month at noon at Double D’s, 354 N. Santa Cruz Ave. First two Thursdays of the month feature guest speakers. For information, visit lgkiwanisgives.org.
Rotary Club of Los Gatos
The Rotary Club of Los Gatos meets Tuesdays from noon to 1:30pm at Shir Hadash Synagogue, 20 Cherry Blossom Lane. For information, visit losgatosrotary.org.
The Los Gatos Morning Rotary Club
The Club meets every Wednesday morning 7:30-8:30am at Los Gatos Lodge, 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road. Program includes featured guest speakers.
Los Gatos Lions Club
The Los Gatos Lions Club meets every Wednesday. A breakfast meeting is held at Moore Buick, 15500 Los Gatos Blvd., at 8am and a noon meeting at Los Gatos Lodge, 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, with a guest speaker. The club has been active since 1946.
Public Meetings…
Town Council
The Los Gatos Town Council meets virtually on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7pm. For information, visit losgatosca.gov/16/Town-Council.
Planning Commission
The Los Gatos Planning Commission meets virtually on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7pm. For information, visit losgatosca.gov/189/Planning-Commission.
Santa Clara County Supervisors
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors meets virtually on Tuesdays at 9am. For information, visit bit.ly/3oy2Zmq.
Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District
The board meets every other Tuesday at 5pm. For information, visit bit.ly/3DaJRi9.
Los Gatos Union School District Board of Trustees
The board meets monthly at either 6:30pm or 4pm. For a schedule, visit bit.ly/3oywlRA.
Other Town commissions
The Town of Los Gatos has various committees that serve as advisory bodies for the Town Council. For information and a schedule of meetings, visit losgatosca.gov/12/Boards-Commissions-Committees.