57.7 F
Los Gatos


March 15, 2025

Star of Netflix’ ‘Indian Matchmaking’ coming to Campbell; History Club of Los Gatos hosting open house (local scene)

Sima Taparia
The History Club of Los Gatos is holding an open house event on Jan. 25 to celebrate its 127-year history of supporting women and children in Santa Clara County, while Sima Taparia of the Netflix reality show "Indian Matchmaker" is hosting a meet-and-greet event in Campbell.

After performing with Harry Styles, Usher + Pink, local graduate Saghari is choreographing a second New Ballet piece

Keon posing for a photo
Keon Saghari, a Los Gatos High School graduate, has found success in the world of rollerskating, performing with Usher, Pink and Harry Styles, and is now choreographing a ballet piece for New Ballet's upcoming show in San Jose.

Bareroot season begins in January

Heath and heather
Christmas trees and associated items are no imposition for nurseries. They are seasonal while not much else is appealing to a retail market. They occupy retail area that summer and autumn commodities relinquished earlier. Then, they relinquish their same space as bareroot stock becomes...

Documentary premiere

Kyle Santoro
Los Gatos High School senior Kyle Santoro premiered his documentary film, “Fentanyl High,” on Dec. 6 at the CineLux Los Gatos Theatre. Shot from the perspective and experiences of high school students in Santa Clara County, “Fentanyl High” is a documentary film about fentanyl poisoning...

High schoolers get dramatic with Santa Cruz Shakespeare; El Camino Health earns top marks (local scene)

Los Gatos High School drama students
Los Gatos High School drama students have partnered with Santa Cruz Shakespeare to be a model for their educational outreach program; Assembly committee on mental health meets in Los Gatos; El Camino Health earns top hospital award.

The libraries of Los Gatos (Discover LOST Gatos)

los gatos library postcard historic
Los Gatos has had a public library since 1898, with the Carnegie Library opening in 1903 and the current library built in 2012, each providing valuable resources and amenities to the community.

VTA teams-up with Los Gatos to get seniors on the bus

Seniors wait for the bus
A group of seniors from Los Gatos met at the Adult Recreation Center to learn about the VTA bus route and how to use it

Local Scene: El Camino Health offering grants

New funds available for community health grants Community organizations that provide health-related services in Santa Clara County are invited to apply for grant support from the El Camino Healthcare District and El Camino Health for the coming year. “The purpose of the El Camino Healthcare District...

100 years on, Los Gatos’ tree-lighting still bright spot on calendar (+ parade gallery)

fake snow
It’s been 100 years since Estelle Harwood McMurtry, one of the ladies of the History Club, led the charge to plant a tree in what’s now called Plaza Park, and on Friday it felt like the whole town came out to celebrate the milestone. Karen...

Dormancy facilitates survival through winter

Dormancy is not exclusive to vegetation. Many animals are dormant while they hibernate through cold winter weather. Some animals are dormant while they aestivate through hot and dry weather. Fungi and bacteria can maintain dormancy for many years or centuries. Dormancy is a technique...

