DREAMING BIG - At the last visioning workshop, people of all ages shared their ideas for what a community center could become. (Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan File Photo)

Is your current definition of “community center” a dusty gym with dodgeballs older than your grandma’s knitting needles? Fear not, fellow Los Gatos residents. We’re tossing out the tired old model and crafting a vibrant, all-encompassing space that would make Michelangelo himself ditch his chisel and sign up for a pottery or painting class.

Are you passionate about building a thriving community center that caters to everyone? Do you dream of a space that fosters creativity, connection and endless possibilities? If so, then mark your calendars for the Los Gatos Community Center Design Event on Oct. 14, from 5 to 7pm at the Masonic Lodge (131 E. Main St., in downtown Los Gatos).

Organized by the Los Gatos Thrives Foundation, this Phase 2 workshop is your chance to actively shape the future of our community center. Building on the momentum from our successful June workshop and online survey, we’ll be delving deeper to co-create a space that truly reflects the needs, desires and spirit of Los Gatos.

What should I expect?

  • Phase 1 Recap: We’ll kick things off by summarizing the valuable insights gathered from the community in the first phase. This includes the first well-attended workshop and the survey results from the very successful survey we conducted, highlighting your needs and desires for the new center.
  • Space & Function Brainstorming: Gear up for an exciting evening of collaboration. Our moderator will be seeking input on ideal spaces and functions for the new center. Imagine a vibrant hub with possibilities like:
    • Art studios and performance areas for budding artists and performers to improve upon and showcase their talents.
    • Multi-purpose rooms for fitness classes, lectures, workshops and community events.
    • Dedicated spaces for youth activities, senior programs and after-school programs.
    • A technology center offering digital resources and fostering innovation.
    • Flexible meeting spaces for local organizations and community groups.
    • And much more! This is where your input matters most.
  • Site Selection Discussion: We’ll explore the potential pros and cons of various site options, ensuring we choose a location for a new community center accessible and convenient for all.

Why should I attend?

  • Be a Part of History: This community center will be a cornerstone of Los Gatos for generations to come. Your voice and ideas are crucial to creating a space that truly serves all residents.
  • Shape a Center for Everyone: Whether you’re young, old or somewhere in between, there’s a place for you in the new community center. This event allows you to ensure it reflects your interests and needs.
  • Meet Your Neighbors: Connect with fellow Los Gatos residents who share your vision for a vibrant and inclusive community center.
  • Fuel Your Creativity: Let your imagination run wild! This is your chance to dream big and brainstorm innovative ideas for the center’s functionality and design.
  • Snacks & Refreshments: Your creative energy will be well-supported with delicious snacks and refreshing drinks to keep you fueled throughout the evening.

How do I get involved?

Don’t miss this opportunity to actively shape the future of Los Gatos! Registration is quick and easy:

What else can I do?

Share this event with your friends, family, and neighbors! The more voices we have, the better we can design a community center that caters to everyone. Let’s build a space that reflects the lively spirit of Los Gatos, a space that fosters connection, creativity and a sense of belonging.

Remember that dusty gym with dodgeballs older than your grandma’s knitting needles I mentioned at the beginning of this article? Well, on Oct. 14, we have the chance to relegate them (and those tired old ideas) to the history books. Let’s ditch the dodgeballs and pick up our collective chisels—because at the Los Gatos Community Center Design Event, we’re all Michelangelos sculpting the vibrant future of our community, together.

See you on Oct. 14.

Together, we can create a community center where everyone truly thrives.

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