sharing with others
Sharing with others can be an important part of your mental health journey. (Shutterstock)

It can be frustrating to struggle with your mental health and to get your family and friends to understand where you are coming from. Although most people may be understanding, there is usually one or two people who will make things more challenging for you. As a result, here are eight suggestions on how to deal with the people you know regarding your mental health situation.

1. Listen to the professionals: Your friends may mean well, but when it comes down to it, the professionals are aware of your circumstances more than anyone. It is important that you listen and follow the advice from your doctor or medical professional rather than following the advice from your friends and other people you may know.

2. Don’t argue with others: It is important that you do not get into arguments with those who are giving you a tough time. It is not your job to worry about how others may view your circumstances. Focus on managing your mental health rather than trying to get everyone’s approval.

3. Choose your friends wisely: Distance yourself from those who won’t make an effort to help understand what you are going through. You need to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. If you have problems or issues with a particular person, then it’s best to keep your distance and hang out with people who are more supportive.

4. Attend a mental health support group: There are many mental health awareness support groups in any given area. Many hospitals, churches, and counselors in your area will be able to provide you with a list of these organizations. These groups will be aware of your situation and can give you additional advice regarding your concerns.

5. You are not alone: There are millions of people around the world who struggle with their fears, anxieties, and depression. Many of your relatives and friends more than likely struggled with anxiety and stress sometime in their life. Do not feel that you are alone when it comes to your mental health situation because there are all kinds of people around you who can relate.

6. Your goal is to get better: Focus on how you can handle the anxieties and stresses in your life rather than arguing with others who are giving you a difficult time. This isn’t a public relations event where you need to get approval from everyone. This is your life, and you need to be more concerned about getting your life back on track rather than pleasing everyone else.

7. Your situation will improve if you get help: Your anxieties and fears can be challenging to manage and more than likely you will need some help. Just as you talk to your doctor about your regular health, you should not be hesitant in seeking help for your mental health. If left untreated, your anxieties and fears may not go away.

8. You have a variety of options: There are many mental health support groups, organizations, and counselors in your area that can help get your life back on track. Talk to your doctor to get more details on where you can go for some assistance. Remember that every problem has a solution. You just have to make the effort to find the answers.

Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear” which covers a variety of techniques meant to improve your mental health. For more information, visit his website at

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