52.7 F
Los Gatos


March 12, 2025

Tag: technology

Netflix campus

Hometown tech giant Netflix chills on password-sharing: Here’s how locals feel...

Editor: With Netflix in the process of rolling out new password-sharing rules in Latin America—and as digital TV and movie viewers have been criticizing...
Hillview Cleaners closed

Environmental cleanup at Saratoga dry cleaner site results in massive improvement

In October 2004, when inspectors tested the water in front of the Hillview Cleaners dry cleaner in downtown Saratoga, they discovered serious contamination. They found...
Apple Laptop

Town re-ups with TruePoint on Community Development software subscriptions

The Town Council on May 17 unanimously voted to approve a sole-sourced $104,605 contract with software company TruePoint Solutions DigEplan (LCT Software) to provide...

