81.6 F
Los Gatos


September 6, 2024

Tag: Santa Cruz Mountains

snow in Santa Cruz Mountains

Rare snowfall hits region

A rare snowfall has dusted the Greater Bay Area and the National Weather Service is predicting more on its way over the weekend. The agency...
Sidney French during 2023 storms

Homeowner reports County Counsel for elder abuse

A 69-year-old Los Gatos resident who’s been unable to repair the old cabin she lives in, due to a paperwork dispute with Santa Clara...
evening sun hillside

Supervisors push for emergency services in Loma Prieta

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors recently approved a plan aimed at improving emergency response planning and communication in the Loma Prieta area...
evening sun hillside

Resident: Sluggish permit process delays wildfire-mitigation plan

Heather Kelley counted 15 days the power was out last August, up at her place that’s perched atop the Santa Cruz Mountains along Skyline...
Scotts Valley substation

Power being restored to mountain homes

Wednesday morning around 7:45am, 6,301 homes lost power, after a fault was reported on a line that serves the San Lorenzo Valley, according to...
speed limit extended

Santa Clara County extends speed limit on stretch of Los Gatos...

Los Gatos' representative on the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors says it was the advocacy of local residents that led to extending the...
raccoon stuck in roof

Los Gatos raccoon rescue shows humane approach to uninvited animals

On Friday morning, Rebecca Dmytryk, CEO of Humane Wildlife Control, got sad news from Santa Cruz County officials. A cougar had been reported dead in...
PG&E apology webinar

PG&E admits recent service ‘unacceptable’

Last week, as Shasta County prosecutors were preparing manslaughter charges against PG&E Corp. in response to a 2020 wildfire, the company was putting together...
Eshoo and Gibbons at art booth

Congresswoman leans on power company

On Sept. 20, Congress member Anna Eshoo took up the cause of local residents frustrated by frequent power outages, demanding answers about why PG&E’s...
Power and Service

Mountain residents protest PG&E power outages

About 30 Santa Cruz Mountain residents made their way to downtown San Jose on Sept. 9 and bunched up on the concrete steps of...

