The Wizard of Tait Avenue on Halloween. (Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan)
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Here’s what’s on tap in the coming days:

On Nov. 16, you’ll be able to support the Bay Area Second Harvest Food Bank and the Kiwanis at Safeway on Santa Cruz Ave.

The Afternoon Rotary Club of Los Gatos will hold a showing of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” with Barbara Robinson, Nov. 9, 5-9pm CineLux Plaza Theatre, Campbell, which costs $50. This is the third year for the fundraiser, with all proceeds going directly to Rotary’s charity efforts.

On Nov. 14, at 5pm, a ribbon-cutting will be held for Carnico Tools & Provisions at 501 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Expect aged steaks with live fire cooking.

The next MMMM film event in support of the Los Gatos Thrives Foundation will be held at CineLux Los Gatos Theatre, 43 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Dec 2, 9:45am. A $10 ticket includes: movie, coffee and a pastry. For more information go to losgatosthrives.org. Movie TBA.

A ceremonial ribbon-cutting celebrating 25 years of The Spa, will be held at 100 S. Santa Cruz Ave., Dec. 5, at 3:30pm.

Big bad wolf
DUO – Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood on Tait Avenue. (Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan)

Also on Dec. 5, a grand re-opening for LaVie (652 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Suite A) will occur at 5pm, highlighting the company’s non-surgical cosmetic services, with Dr. Neetu Nebhwani.

Head to Montalvo Arts Center, Villa Montalvo Saratoga, for “A Christmas Carol.” Silicon Valley Shakespeare’s roving production group will be giving performances Dec. 5-21, at 8pm, with matinees at 2pm (matinees on Dec. 8 and 21 only).

The holiday trolley begins at Town Center Plaza Dec. 6 (tree lighting ceremony night), with complimentary hop-on, hop-off service. Santa will be visiting Old Town Dec. 12-15.

10 years
DECADE MARK – Coup De Thai celebrated 10 years and has plans to expanding next door. (Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan)

The Holiday Heritage Tea will take place at the Ainsley Carriage House, at 300 Grant St. in Campbell, from Dec. 6-8 and 13-15 at 12pm. Reservations are required.

The Christmas/Holidays Parade is set for Dec. 7, 11am, rain or shine. Over the past 68 years, this parade has welcomed Santa and spread good cheer.

At Town Plaza Dec. 14-15, 10am-4pm, there will be live music, gourmet food, and regional as well as local artists. Find unique holiday gifts here and support Live Oak Senior Nutrition & Services Center.

Carlota Roa
AUTHOR – Carlota Roa at her book signing. (Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan)

Meetings to Attend

·        The LG Town Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm

·        Planning Commission meets, regularly on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7pm

·        Los Gatos Women’s Business Networking Group – Second Wednesday of each month – 8-9am, Los Gatos of Chamber Office, 10 Station Way

·        Los Gatos Toastmasters Public Speaking & Leadership Practice every Tuesday 6:30-8:30pm 16185 Los Gatos Blvd #205-second floor http//www.losgatostoastmasters.org

Book Clubs:

In the Library Conference Room

Mystery Lovers Book Club First Wednesdays, 5pm

Monday Morning Book Club Second Monday, 11am

El Cafecito Book Club Second Thursdays, 5pm

Tuesday PM Book Club Third Tuesdays, 5pm (or Zoom)

Cook Book Club Fourth Wednesdays, 5pm

Informed Citizen’s Book Club Every other month on the fourth Saturday

Online author talks:

Stanley Milford Jr., Nov. 7, at 4pm 

Javier Zamora Nov., 11, or Nov. 14

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