53.1 F
Los Gatos


March 13, 2025

Dinah’s Event Log: Onward, into the heart of winter

Nothing will change. Yet everything changes. New parking signs are up. And have you seen the “meter maids” golf cart? It must have five cameras, and it also appears to have a computer set up that keeps track of—to the second—any overtime parking. I have it...

Discover LOST Gatos: The railroad era pt. 1

locomotive group photo
Of all the events in Los Gatos’ history, none had a more lasting impact than the arrival of the railroad. In this two part series, we’ll explore how the “iron horse” became the driving force behind the transformation of our town from an obscure...

Dinah’s Event Log: Hello 2025

Goodbye 2024. Have you resolved anything for our new year? We are still in recovery mode from recent challenges. A favorite restaurant and disco closed recently. We can hope to see old and new friends at new hangouts—and around our extraordinary town. Time continues to march...

Dinah’s Holiday Event Log: Soaking up the festivities

Santa has safely arrived in Los Gatos. As we begin to count the days left in 2024, let’s take a brief moment to wander down memory lane. After 45 years, we bid a fond adieu to Steamer’s. Steamer’s with the best seafood, sourdough bread (with room...

Author of psych-thriller to sign books at Beyond Text

Ellen Kirschman
On Dec. 7, at 2pm, Beyond Text Bookstore in Los Gatos will host a book signing with Ellen Kirschman, author of the newly released Call Me Carmela. This psychological thriller follows police therapist Dot Meyerhoff as she helps a young woman uncover her roots, while...

The ‘eyes’ have it: Jim Barth named grand marshal

Jim grilling
When the 68th annual Los Gatos Children’s Christmas/Holidays Parade steps-off on Dec. 7, all eyes will be on Grand Marshal Jim Barth, who was chosen for his contributions to the town’s youth. Barth is the immediate past president of the Los Gatos Lions Club and...

The lost petroleum wells of Los Gatos

oil industry history
Have you ever wondered how the infamous U-shaped stretch of Highway 17 known as Big Moody Curve got its name? There isn’t much to say about early settler D. B. Moody, who owned the property. But what happened there is one of the most...

Dinah’s Event Log: Holiday time is upon us

real estate ladies
We live in a unique and beautiful area, with some really wonderful people. Be sure—during the holidays—to take time to count your blessings. Here are some community updates and fun things to do… PEDRO’S IS BACK, and you will not believe the transformation. Dress up, get out...

Dinah’s Log: Roof problem at Safeway, Pink Friday, ‘Wicked’ for MMMM

holiday decor
Wow, did we ever get a downpour last week! Part of the ceiling at the Safeway fell in and they were briefly closed. Seems like it might be a wet winter. Git out those galoshes, an atmospheric river is incoming. Now, where did I...

New Town Manager joins seniors for early Thanksgiving celebration

Nerf turkey shoot
An early fall feast was served-up at the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center on Monday at lunch to approximately 170 55-Plus members, ahead of Thanksgiving. And it was delicious. Los Gatos Meats & Smokehouse roasted the turkeys to perfection. The moist stuffing complemented the gravy...

