86.3 F
Los Gatos


September 7, 2024

DISCOVER LOST GATOS ‘Los Gatos, CA: Population 90,000’

El Gato Penthouse
With all the controversy surrounding California’s mandated housing bill, let’s take a look back to a time when our very own Town Council considered making an even more draconian move. During the 1960s, downtown businesses were losing customers to the popular new concept of shopping...

HEART OF OUR TOWN: Developer behind post office projects keeping options open

Post office property
“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” —motto associated with the United States Postal Service But developers might? Our little charming town of Los Gatos has had a post office since 1864. But...

Discover LOST Gatos: Happy Birthday, Los Gatos!

discover lost gatos etching town los gatos incorporated
On Aug. 10, 1887—135 years ago today—a newly created Board of Trustees voted to officially incorporate the Town of Los Gatos. Let’s mark the occasion with a quiz about our beloved town’s history. 1. Who was awarded a land grant for El Rancho Rinconada de...

Tales of the Town: A Newspaper is Born Again

Black and White Los Gatos
So there we stood… on the corner of N. Santa Cruz Ave. and Main Street two weeks ago, ready to start a weekly newspaper in Los Gatos. Again. Randy Frey was there, as was Roger Sanford, who always manages to show up at the...

Support senior housing in Los Gatos

On April 5, the Los Gatos Town Council will consider whether to approve the Los Gatos Meadows rebuild, which would bring 174 units of senior housing online. As a 24-year Town resident who lives near the site, I believe that the project is essential...

Guest View: Prioritizing children over plastic

What were your favorite school memories as a child? Mine included counting roly-polies in the grass at recess, having mud-sliding contests after school, and picking wildflowers with my friends. Some of my least favorite memories were having to play soccer on plastic turf on...

Fall color to fall for

Chinese pistache colors with minimal chill fall leaves
Autumn is also fall here. Actually, 'fall' is the more popular name. It had been the popular name in England during the Sixteenth Century. The (generally) French name of “autumn” became more common there during the Seventeenth Century. Yet, both names remained in use...

Guest View: Community-based mediation is needed in Los Gatos

Jeffrey Blum
Perhaps I’ve read too many articles and listened to too many podcasts decrying the level of vitriol and partisanship existing in Washington D.C. and in many communities throughout the country. Add to this sorry situation the scenes of conflict I’ve seen on television and...

HORTICULTURE: Color outside the spectral lines

Zonal geraniums
Green is the most common floral color. It only seems to be rare amongst flowers because almost all green bloom relies on wind for pollination. Thus, neither color nor fragrance is useful to get the attention of pollinators. Actually, green flowers do not get...

My Disneyland-themed vision for LGS Rec’s facility

Disneyland castle
First, the disclaimer. While I am the chairperson of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission (CHSSC), I write this article on my own behalf. Second, hopefully, my colleagues on CHSSC and the Los Gatos Town Council will not decide to oust me or demote...

