Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in Los Gatos
The Alliance Française Silicon Valley (AFSV), in partnership with Frenchery and Fabrique Délices, announced a Beaujolais Nouveau celebration and fundraising event on Nov. 19 to support Silicon Valley’s French cultural center.
Beaujolais Nouveau Day, or Wine Day, is an annual celebration that has been going on for more than 200 years. It’s also an opportunity for French winemakers from the Burgundy region to showcase their wines, and for friends of France to come together in a festive and convivial atmosphere.
This French tradition celebrates the end of harvest by drinking Beaujolais Nouveau on the third Thursday of November. Under French law, the wine is released at midnight, just weeks after the wine’s grapes have been harvested. The wine is comprised solely of Gamay, a thin-skinned grape resulting in a light body, low tannin levels, and juicy red fruit flavors.
Beaujolais Nouveau wine is usually accompanied with finger food and music. For the occasion, AF Silicon Valley, in partnership with Frenchery and Fabrique Délices, will feature Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2022 paired with a selection of French charcuterie and cheese.
“Beaujolais Nouveau is more than a celebration. It’s also an opportunity for the Alliance Française Silicon Valley to share the French culture and language with our community,” said Upi Struzak, AFSV’s president. “We are all-inclusive. We offer activities and events for native and non-native French speakers.”
The event will be held Nov. 19 from 5-7pm at the AF Silicon Valley Center, 14107 Winchester Blvd., Suite T, in Los Gatos. The event is open to members and non-members. Guests must register at afscv.org/community/event-rsvp/?event_id=83.
Serving Silicon Valley since 1970, Alliance Française Silicon Valley is a nonprofit organization and the official center of French Language and Culture in Silicon Valley.
For information, visit afscv.org.
Flu season may impact Red Cross blood supply
The American Red Cross urges blood and platelet donors to give now and help fight the potential impact of seasonal illnesses and a potentially severe flu season on the blood supply.
A blood drive is scheduled in Los Gatos on Nov. 26 from 9:30am to 3:30pm at Addison-Penzak JCC, 14855 Oka Road.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts a serious spread of flu this year and is already reporting an early spike in cases in several states. When seasonal illnesses increase, the number of healthy donors tends to decrease, leaving the Red Cross blood supply vulnerable to a potential shortage over the holidays.
Donors—especially those with type O blood and those giving platelets—can help bolster the blood supply now by making an appointment to give in the coming weeks.
There is no waiting period to donate blood or platelets after receiving a flu shot. Schedule an appointment by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 1.800.733.2767).
As a thank-you, the Red Cross is offering several opportunities to donors this month:
• All who come to give Nov. 1-22 will receive a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of choice. Details are available at rcblood.org/perks.
• Those who come to give over the Thanksgiving holiday, Nov. 23-27, will get a Red Cross knit beanie, while supplies last.
• All who come out to help Nov. 28-Dec. 15 will receive a $10 Amazon.com Gift Card by email. Details are available at rcblood.org/together.
Valley Medical, county launch grant program for nonprofits
Valley Medical Center Foundation and County of Santa Clara recently launched a $10 million nonprofit grant program.
The Covid-19 Nonprofit Resiliency and Sustainability Grant Program aims to strengthen the sustainability and responsiveness of nonprofits in Santa Clara County that have been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on racial equity.
Nonprofits providing services in Santa Clara County can apply for grants of up to $150,000. A Notice of Funding Availability will be posted soon at vmcfoundation.org/cvgrants.
Applications will be due on Dec. 19.