60.2 F
Los Gatos


March 31, 2025

Tag: Steve Leonardis

letter to the editor

LETTER: Monte Sereno City Manager Steve Leonardis suggests Los Gatan source...

From the Inbox... Do your homework Dear Mr. Penner, I give you a C- for your latest journalistic effort in the Los Gatan. You should validate...
Composite of ACLU legal threat and historical threats

ACLU threatens legal action against Town

The ACLU of Northern California is stepping up its pressure campaign against the Town of Los Gatos, threatening legal action if it doesn’t reverse...
Steve Leonardis

Monte Sereno city manager shares ideas for a better Los Gatos

Speaking at a public meeting of local residents Nov. 11, Monte Sereno City Manager Steve Leonardis, who once sat in the Los Gatos mayor’s...

