On Christmas Eve, Los Gatos-based Netflix was once again thrust into the national political spotlight as Kevin Spacey (as “House of Cards” character Frank...
During the Oct. 3 Town Council meeting, public commenter Brandye Sweetnam shared her concerns with the challenges of building in fire hazard zones in...
At the June 6 Council meeting, Councilmember Rob Moore outed himself—as a pickleball player.
This was in response to a bid by Los Gatos-Saratoga Community...
During last week’s hour-long Policy Committee meeting to address issues with Los Gatos’ rules for Council members and commissioners, Councilmember Matthew Hudes refused to...
Though Council members acknowledged there were still months-worth of improvements ahead to get a final version prepared, in a special meeting held Monday, they...
Rob Moore, the progressive first-time candidate for Los Gatos Town Council, edged ahead of the slow-growth-advocating incumbent Mary Badame to claim first place in...