During their Dec. 17 regularly scheduled meeting, Council approved a $22,017.16 raise for Town Attorney Gabrielle Whelan.
That works out to a 5% cost of...
-Updated July 26 at 4:45pm with statement from Front Porch
After the Los Gatos Meadows senior living project was slammed, in 2022, by Town officials...
As Los Gatos prepared to finally adopt a compliant Housing Element—after 20 residential proposals were submitted during the purgatory period when the Silicon Valley...
Los Gatos Council last night approved $60,000 for homeless services next year—$10,000 more than staff had requested—citing the effectiveness of the pilot year’s efforts.
California’s Department of Housing and Community Development seemed on the verge of approving Los Gatos’ residential plan, its Housing Element (now more than a...
Los Gatos continues to plod along in the revision of its Housing Element, holding hours of community meetings to workshop the critical housing document...
It was a whirlwind 12 months of store-openings, community-building, future-envisioning and infrastructure development, but as they say, all good things must come to an...