53.2 F
Los Gatos


March 12, 2025

Tag: Kiwanis Club of Los Gatos


LETTERS: Did Blum’s column fill a pothole?; readers decry discontinuation of...

Did Blum’s comedic Los Gatan article fill a pothole? My recent Los Gatan piece, a brief foray into levity after a series of my more...
orange Silicon Valley sunset

Dinah’s Event Log: End of a Chapter

“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” No predictions here, as March may come in like a lamb and leave...
Lions Club volunteers

Dinah’s Event Log: February’s hint of spring

We have a very active service club scene that I can hardly keep up with. We also have a Community Emergency Response Team, known as...
jack o'lantern

Dinah’s Event Log: Wooden pumpkins, Fall Wine Walk, Coup de Thai...

Fall is in full force. So, please watch for ghosts and goblins in the crosswalks. It is getting dark earlier, and if you are...
American flag

Los Gatos celebrates America’s birthday

What a scorcher. This year’s Town celebration is one for the record books. The near-record heat did not stop the San Jose Wind Symphony performers...
Time Out Clothing patriotic photo

Town alters Independence Day party start time due to heat

Come one, come all: old Americans, new Americans, prospective Americans. This is our Independence Day. A day to be proud. It’s a day to celebrate...
cleanup crew

Volunteers gather for Los Gatos Creek Trail cleanup

On Saturday morning, Los Gatos Kiwanis boardmember Nancy Pearson arrived at Old Forbes Mill with coffee and donuts in-hand, prepared to guide members of...
Calvary Church in neon

Residents celebrate Easter with egg hunting, church services + train rides

This weekend was brimming with Easter services, family gatherings, brunches and, of course, search parties for ovular objects. Mother Nature cooperated with sunshine inviting people...
Best of Los Gatos

Best of Los Gatos 2023: Everyday

The long-awaited list of high-achievers in the "Everyday" category of the 2023 Best of Los Gatos readers' poll has arrived. It includes some brand new...
Los Gatos coach honored

X-country coach honored; Kiwanis Club hits 3-digits; Behavioral Health Board seeks...

Los Gatos High Cross Country coach honored Los Gatos High School Boys Cross Country Coach Paul Lawryk was selected for the 2023 Fall Sport Honor...

