July 24 will mark three years since Leslie Gentry’s 22-year-old son, Jolly Jones, died while detoxing from fentanyl.
Gentry was living in San Jose and...
For more events, visit the online calendar at losgatan.com/events-calendar
Author Talk
Friends of Los Gatos Library welcome Heather White, author of “One Green Thing,” for a...
Los Gatos has a variety of events and activities on tap including: an online author talk, the Lincoln Trio concert, the Mystery Lover's Book Club, the Valentine Fun Run/Walk, the Los Gatos Farmers Market, and meetings of the Kiwanis Club of Los Gatos, the Rotary Club of Los Gatos, the Los Gatos Morning Rotary Club, the Los Gatos Lions Club, the Los Gatos Union School District Board of Trustees.
For more events, visit the online calendar at losgatan.com/events-calendar
Martin Scorsese Film Festival
Pruneyard Cinemas, 1875 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 100 in Campbell, is hosting the...