62.3 F
Los Gatos


March 10, 2025

Tag: calendar


LETTERS: Did Blum’s column fill a pothole?; readers decry discontinuation of...

Did Blum’s comedic Los Gatan article fill a pothole? My recent Los Gatan piece, a brief foray into levity after a series of my more...
orange Silicon Valley sunset

Dinah’s Event Log: End of a Chapter

“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” No predictions here, as March may come in like a lamb and leave...
tree blossoms landscape

DINAH’S EVENT LOG: It’s almost March

We have our own special quaint small-town appeal and attraction—that’s why we love living here. We are located on the fringe of Silicon Valley,...
Lions Club volunteers

Dinah’s Event Log: February’s hint of spring

We have a very active service club scene that I can hardly keep up with. We also have a Community Emergency Response Team, known as...
mike's bikes

Dinah’s Event Log: Rains welcome February

Feels like our rainy season is trying to start late and our vegetation is looking rather relieved. I know that I am. Our evergreens...
overcast Los Gatos

Dinah’s Event Log: Winter fire season

“All the leaves are brown / and the sky is gray. / I’ve been for a walk / on a winter’s day. / I’d...

Dinah’s Event Log: Onward, into the heart of winter

Nothing will change. Yet everything changes. New parking signs are up. And have you seen the “meter maids” golf cart? It must have five cameras,...

Dinah’s Event Log: Hello 2025

Goodbye 2024. Have you resolved anything for our new year? We are still in recovery mode from recent challenges. A favorite restaurant and disco closed recently....

Dinah’s Holiday Event Log: Soaking up the festivities

Santa has safely arrived in Los Gatos. As we begin to count the days left in 2024, let’s take a brief moment to wander down...
holiday decor

Dinah’s Log: Roof problem at Safeway, Pink Friday, ‘Wicked’ for MMMM

Wow, did we ever get a downpour last week! Part of the ceiling at the Safeway fell in and they were briefly closed. Seems...

