52.9 F
Los Gatos


January 26, 2025

LETTER: Monte Sereno City Manager Steve Leonardis suggests Los Gatan source is full of rubbish

letter to the editor
From the Inbox... Do your homework Dear Mr. Penner, I give you a C- for your latest journalistic effort in the Los Gatan. You should validate your information before releasing your stories for publication. Your article titled “ACLU threatens legal action against town” is devoid of...

LETTER: Why Tai Chi?

Give yourself the gift of Tai Chi. While you are standing in line this holiday season, think how nice it would be to stand without your feet and back hurting. That is just one small benefit of regular tai chi practice. Your balance will...

Story highlights overlooked individual (letter)

The recent article on Sahr Fania by Drew Penner (Los Gatan, Nov. 2-8) was wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing the story of a Los Gatan who does not fill the profile that is often told about “important” people in other Los Gatos publications. Please...

Letter to the Editor: Sue Walsh is one of Los Gatos’ special residents

You will find that Sue Walsh approaches her projects and the people she provides for with extra care. She gets to know people by learning what they care about, then attends to their interests and needs. She works toward a greater good. We all...

Letter to the Editor: A plea to disrespectful dog owners

dog pooping in a field
Hello, fellow Los Gatos residents and visitors, We have a wonderful town. But dog owners who do not pick up their dog’s droppings (poop), please do not leave it on our sidewalks. Unhealthy, unkind, just wrong. So many of you do pick up after their pets...

Letter: State shouldn’t profit on grieving children

letter to the editor
A family member dying and passing the family home onto their child or grandchild should not be a taxable event. Prop. 19 allows property to be reassessed to market value when it passes from parents to children, resulting in a massive property tax increase...

Letter: Article was too confusing

letter to the editor
I have read the story "Woman who threw parties" (Los Gatan, Dec. 29, 2021-Jan. 4, 2022) six times and still cannot understand what the author is trying to say. Grammatically, the article is written so poorly that the reader loses the ability to understand...

A mom’s response to an astroturf op-ed

Thank you, Giulianna Pendleton for your opinion of artificial turf (Los Gatan, Dec. 8-14). One simple, shortened response from a mom of three former child student-athletes, now college/graduate school adults: Staph. Constantly recurring. Don't go there. Very truly yours, Denise Donnelly Los Gatos >The op-ed discussed the issues around astroturf, which...

Letter: Better to be right than first

letter to the editor
Journalists seek to deliver, and society craves, fast information due to the evolution of the internet, social media and the 24-hour news cycle. But at what cost?  The Los Gatan's front-page article on the events of the Oct. 5 Town Council meeting was published in...

Send us your letters

Image of a retro typewriter.
As the town’s local community news source, Los Gatan welcomes comments, letters and contributed opinion pieces on topics of local interest. Letters are best if they are 250 words or less, and opinion pieces can go up to 750 words. If you have a different...

