49.4 F
Los Gatos


March 14, 2025

Decision on 220 Belgatos Rd. development delayed as environmental review continues

Since a Planning Commission item about a controversial development at 220 Belgatos Road was headed for tabling Wednesday evening, as an environmental review continues, Chair Steve Raspe asked staff for background into two laws that could affect the outcome: the Naylor Act and the...

Vegetation fire brought under control

A vegetation fire that broke out in the 16500 block of Matilija Drive in Los Gatos this morning was quickly brought under control. There are no reports of injuries or damage to structures. Just after 10am, the Santa Clara County Fire Department announced on Twitter it...

Los Gatos company inks deal with Miami-Dade school district

Los Gatos-based Facilitron, recently announced a new partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS), the fourth largest school district in the United States. This collaboration brings Facilitron's facility management system to more than 400 campuses in Miami-Dade County, which company officials say will allow the...

Spotlight placed on law enforcement excellence

On Oct. 17, the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Foundation hosted an awards luncheon for the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department at the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center. I spoke to Det. Sgt. Harold Hoyt (Ret.) on today’s policing and policies. Without hesitation he brought up the...

Charlie Palmer sees huge potential in area’s food and wine scene

Charlie Palmer Group
For many, the name Charlie Palmer is immediately associated with his eponymous steak houses—and his Michelin star gem Aureole—in Manhattan. But, it’s also synonymous with Sonoma Wine Country and Dry Creek Kitchen, a pioneering restaurant that helped establish Healdsburg’s status as an international culinary destination. His...

Embattled Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District supervisor quits post

After weeks of tension between parents and the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District, Superintendent Bill W. Sanderson announced he’ll step down, effective immediately. The news was announced by Board of Trustees President Misty Davies in an email as the school day wrapped up on...

Last day to register to vote for Nov. 5 election arrives

Today is the last day for eligible residents in California to register to vote for the Nov. 5 Presidential General Election, which is just 15 days away. California residents who have not yet registered can do so online through the Secretary of State's website, registertovote.ca.gov. If you...

137th Annual Blessing of the Grapes at Testarossa

Blessing of the Grapes
On Oct. 9, Testarossa staff, supporters and many Novitiate alumni and their caregivers gathered around a bin of La Rinconada pinot noir clusters for the 137th Blessing of the Grapes held at the historic Novitiate property in Los Gatos.  You know it better as Testarossa...

Rift between Saratoga High School music program and the District widens

parent at the town hall mic
On Oct. 2, Saratoga High School music director Jason Shiuan announced the cancellation of the school’s annual concerto competition. The decision was the latest in a series of adjustments affecting the school’s music department—and Saratoga Music Boosters (SMB), the parent-run nonprofit founded in 1972...

Tenants will have more time to respond to eviction notices

eviction notice
Tenants in California will now have twice as much time to respond to eviction notices and potentially avoid losing their homes under a bill signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom last month. The new law comes amid a statewide housing crisis, and after a...

