“All the leaves are brown / and the sky is gray. / I’ve been for a walk / on a winter’s day. / I’d be safe and warm / if I was in LA.”
—the Mamas and the Papas
For now, we are safe (enough) right here.
We knew the Santa Ana winds would blow intensely, just not quite so fiercely—carrying sparks so far, so fast. The wind and fire-ravaged people that have survived this epic event have a long way back, and re-building codes may need to include protection against hurricane force winds that seem to be becoming the new norm.
Meanwhile, here in chilly Los Gatos, we can layer-up and enjoy the season. Our deciduous trees are resting up for spring, while the stately redwoods maintain their stoic silence.
A few weeks ago, Dick Conrad and friends planted over 100 daffodils along Main Street and Santa Cruz Avenue—as now is a good time to plant those bulbs (not to mention new roses or citrus).
I should also add, it’s the perfect time for a leisurely walk through Vasona Park. Stroll along the bubbling creek, and enjoy what winter brings us. Try a different coffee shop or restaurant and be brave enough for a winter’s ice cream or gelato.
In case you missed it, Jan. 19 was National Popcorn Day, and we do have Silicon Valley Pizza Week coming up. Did you know the Weeklys newspaper chain developed an app (download it at: wklys.co/pw) to help you navigate to all the participating eateries?
This past Sunday, a standing-room-only celebration of life was held at Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Co. for Timothy McKinney. McKinney, originally from Kentucky, passed away last September. During the event, he was remembered for his kaleidoscope of talents: musical songwriting, guitar playing and singing. He was known for his fabulous cooking and love of traveling the world.
McKinney was the master coffee bean roaster at LGCRC for many years and was also a shareholder there. He called Los Gatos home for over 40 years and was missed from the moment he went home to Kentucky. At his memorial, many of the songs he wrote were performed—and appreciated—by those who knew him, and those who would’ve loved to know him. A true Los Gatan.
SV BICYCLE COALITION “Beautify the Bike Path: Stevens Creek Trail” will be held Jan. 25, 9:30am-1pm. Meet at Red Rock Coffee, 201 Castro St. in Mountain View. Join in a morning of riding, learning and trail work with SVBC, a 501(c)3, and Friends of Stevens Creek Trail.
ST. MARY’S SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Jan. 26, 10-11am. TK-eight grades. 30 Lyndon Ave. 1:10 ratio of teacher to students.
DOWNSIZING SEMINAR 208 E. Main St., Jan. 30, 10-11:00am. By the 55-Plus group. How to begin, a step-by-step guide. Offered by Nelly Cotto and Brian Schwatka.

(Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan)
SILICON VALLEY PIZZA WEEK Jan. 31-Feb. 8 (National Pizza Day). Los Gatos has seven or so pizza restaurants. And many others have pizza on their menus. The super markets have freezers full of fix-at-home pizzas. And it is fun and easy to make your own. This ten-day extravaganza will celebrate America’s favorite food with unique pizzas and special pricing.
CRABFEST The 22nd Annual Rotary Club of Los Gatos Crabfest & Auction. Feb. 1, 5pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 13601 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga. A bountiful dinner of all-you-can-eat crab, soup, pasta and salad benefits the Los Gatos Rotary Charities Foundation.
POLICE OFFICERS BALL Testarossa Winery 300 College Ave, March 8, 6:30pm plan for a glamorous evening of culinary excellence and fine wines, black tie optional seated gourmet dinner supporting Los Gatos Monte Sereno Police Department. lgmspolicefoundation.org
BEYOND TEXT 318 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Feb. 2, 2pm reading and book signing of “The Holy Doves,” a thought-provoking spiritual thriller by L.E. Austen. A book swap will be held Feb. 8-9, 10am-6pm, outside the store.
MONDAY MORNING MONTHLY MOVIE The next MMMM is Feb. 3, 9:45am at CineLux Los Gatos Theatre, 43 N. Santa Cruz Ave. $10 includes: movie, coffee and a pastry. losgatosthrives.org
“SLIPPERY TALES” Feb. 5-7:30pm, at the American Legion Hall, 1540 Minnesota Ave., San Jose. For this month’s Santa Clara Valley Orchid Society meeting, Mary Gerritsen will share her search for Paphiopedilums—also known as slipper orchids—during wild-traveling to Thailand, Sulawesi, Borneo, Mexico, South America and China. scvos.com
KEOLA BEAMER & JEFF PETERSON at the Carriage House, Villa Montalvo. Feb. 6, 7:30pm. Tickets: $73-$78. An evening of superb Hawaiian guitar (slack key) exploring the beauty of Hawaiian music, a distinct sound with dancing by Moanalani Beamer.
BRUBECK BROTHERS QUARTET Feb 7, 7:30pm Montalvo Arts Center Carriage House.
THE ECHO SHOP 14554 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, features gently-worn clothing, jewelry, china, kitchenware, linens and decorative items. Open 10am-4pm, Tues- Sat. It’s more than 60 years old. 100% of the profit goes to children and adults in need in Santa Clara County. Echo Shop is a ministry of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Saratoga. echoshop.org
STRING ART Hanging now through May at the Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Co., John Eichinger’s fiber art will stop you in your tracks with geometric mandalas that are mesmerizing and hypnotic. jo**@ei*******.com
How are those New Year’s resolutions’ coming along?
With the Wood Snake Year (Chinese Lunar New Year) about to kick in, Jan. 29, why not make a few new resolutions? Snake years are associated with renewal, transformation, and good fortune—bringing wisdom, flexibility and creativity.
Snakes shed their skin several times during their lives, and this symbolizes letting go of the past and embracing the new. Hopefully, we can shed the layers we have been wearing into a warm spring, soon.
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”
—Dr. Seuss