Nothing will change. Yet everything changes.
New parking signs are up. And have you seen the “meter maids” golf cart? It must have five cameras, and it also appears to have a computer set up that keeps track of—to the second—any overtime parking.
I have it on good authority. After all, I recently received a tiny $42 (plus processing fees) printed-out ticket under the passenger’s side of the car windshield wiper.
I almost missed it.
Hawaii? Lake Tahoe? Or just stay put?
Who wants to leave our zip codes? Recently overheard on the sidewalk: “Do you have a home elsewhere? If you do, why aren’t you there now?” Why leave the best little town in the world, even if you have homes elsewhere? Nothing is better than Los Gatos.
However, if you have a vacation home—somewhere warm—this might be the best time to use it. The rains are washing away the pollen, grime and sidewalks as we start winter.
2025 promises to be a very good year. If you do numerology, this is a #9 year, which is a very good number for communicating, business and partnerships.
Out & About (in the bright new 2025)
DOWNTOWN ICE Circle of Palms 120 S. Market St., San Jose, ice skating open daily through Jan. 20, 2025.

(Dinah Cotton / Los Gatan)
St. MARY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL Open house, TK-8, 30 Lyndon Ave., Jan. 26 10-11am. 1:10 ratio of teacher to students.
HAPPY DRAGON THRIFT SHOP at 245 W. Main St., benefiting the nonprofit Pacific Clinics, is open on Sun. 1-4pm; Sat.-Mon. 10am-1pm; Tues.-Fri. 10am-4pm. Donations accepted Tues.-Thurs. and Sat 10am-noon. Donations may close earlier.
MMMM Monday Monthly Morning Movie at CineLux Los Gatos Theatre, 43 N. Santa Cruz, Feb. 3, 9:45am. $10 includes movie, coffee and a pastry. The primary purpose of MMMM is to provide community socialization for older adults; any profits go to LG Thrives, which supports future events and our new community center planning. For more information or to pre-buy tickets go to
LOS GATOS CREEK TRAIL Cleanup organized by Los Gatos High School Key Club and Los Gatos Kiwanis Club. Jan 10, 11:30am, meeting at Old Forbes Mill parking lot behind 55 Church St. Coffee and pastries will be served by Los Gatos High School Key Club.
URINETOWN The musical comes to Saratoga Civic Theatre, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, Jan. 25-Feb. 15. Tickets: The hilarious, satirical musical is a Broadway hit and Tony Award winner. Presented by South Bay Musical Theatre.
SILICON VALLEY PIZZA WEEK is coming to Los Gatos on Jan. 31 and will be a ten-day celebration of America’s favorite food. Who makes the best pizza in Los Gatos? Do you like thick or thin crusts? Pizzeria owners can head to to register.
BEAMER & PETERSON Keola Beamer and Jeff Peterson play at the Carriage House, Villa Montalvo Feb. 6, 7:30pm. Tickets are $73-$78. An evening of superb slack key guitar exploring the beauty of Hawaiian music, a distinct sound with dancing by Moanalani Beamer.
POLICE OFFICERS BALL Testarossa Winery, 300 College Ave., March 8, 6:30pm. Never too early to be planning for a glamorous evening of culinary excellence and fine wines. Black tie, optional seated gourmet dinner supporting Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department.
Support print, be in the know
If I am up early enough on Wednesday mornings, I can pick up my Los Gatan in the driveway that I share. A neighbor sometimes gets to it first. So, if this happens, I head out to the Chamber office, City Hall, the LG Roasting Co., the library, or one of the other places around town where the Los Gatan is distributed.
Better yet, subscribe (at and do not miss an issue—especially if you live outside town limits.
Has everyone forgotten their manners?
A “Please” and “Thank you” just isn’t used online, and we did not need it during the lockdowns.Now, socially it is so refreshing to hear “You’re welcome” and “Thank you,” especially if you are talking to wait service staff. Sometimes it’s better than a cash tip. Well, maybe. What is the “Of course,” response after saying “Thank you” all about? Of course I said Thank you!