When the Los Gatan reached Campbell resident Kyla Zhao by phone, just weeks before the launch of her children’s novel about a girl who plays chess, she was in Seoul.
The author and tech industry professional, who is originally from Singapore, said it was nice to be back in Asia.
Her trip to South Korea was well deserved.
Right now she’s in the eye of a hurricane.
Zhao’s third book, May the Best Player Win, about Bay Area middle-schooler named May Li who has to navigate negative reactions from teammates after winning a chess award, drops Sept. 17.
It was only January when her sophomore novel, Valley Verified—about a fashion writer who takes a job in Silicon Valley—came out.
And she recently sold a fourth book.
“It is my first historical novel,” she said, commenting on her range as an author. “I’m just interested—and fascinated—by many different things.”
In fact, she just finished the first draft.
“It took me about one-and-a-half months,” she said. “When I start writing a book, I feel like I almost end up entering a manic episode.”

Zhao reveals her strategy for keeping the creative juices flowing: frequent walks around the neighborhood.
Her fitness app offers proof of just how much she relies on this technique.
“I always get 10,000 steps,” she said, describing the rhythmic—almost mechanical—process that allows her subconscious to work its magic. “I like doing the same path over and over again.”
Editor Polo Orozco acquired the right to Heirs of Infamy for Putnam, a Penguin Group imprint.
The young adult title will follow Alexis Sung and Zachary Ren, heirs of rival crime families who team up for a heist.
CAA’s Tia Ikemoto negotiated the deal for North American rights.
With all the success she’s had so far is she considering ditching the technology world for a full-time life of word-smithing?
No way, she says.
“I like the arrangement right now,” she said. “I don’t ever want to think of it as my job.”